Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Down Memory Lane and a 
Sweet Good Bye!
Merry Christmas to all of our followers at SSW.

This is Arlana, the owner and creator of Sweet Sketch Wednesday, hosting you this week from Utah.  This will be our last SSW challenge.

   I have to say It's been a delight having you join us each and every week here at Sweet Sketch Wednesday. We have many dedicated sponsors and players that have joined in on our fun since June 9, 2009. I would like to show case a few of my past Christmas cards from 2009 until now.

Of course, there were many more cards. I have had such a fun time making my cards, especially the Christmas ones because that is my favorite time of year.  Sad to say this but I must let go of the past and move on.

It has become hard for me to keep up with my blog as of late due to my health issues and surgery's that I have had this past year.

The whole intent of my blog has been to recognize others that like to craft and who also have a talent and don't get recognized. It was very important to me that the Design Team comment on your cards each and every week. I feel badly because of late I have not been able to always fulfill my duties which I have expected of my Design Team and that is just not fair to them. So I must move on.

Yes, I am sad and it has been a hard decision. I can't thank my sisters enough for helping make this blog a success. Judi was always keeping us organized, getting sponsors and images. Nancy was keeping track of those who commented each week and picked out our prize winners. Both of my sisters have spent countless hours doing their jobs.

Then there's my dedicated design team who never let me down. Always having their adorable cards ready each week and doing their job at commenting on each player.

I must also say thanks to Sally Dube.  She stepped in and made sketches for me when I could not make them due to my surgeries. Her sketches are wonderful. We have all enjoyed using them.

To my dedicated sponsors: I can't thank you enough. We love designing with your images and appreciate the prizes you so graciously gave to our winner of the week.

Well, all is not lost.  My blog will not be taken down but will be here so that you can look back at any of the sketches. If you do use them, please acknowledge Sally or myself as the designer.

I do, however, have some good new. Sally Dube will be the new owner of
Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2.

The new SSW2 is not open to the public yet but will be by next Wednesday, January 1, 2014.

So the legacy will continue. I am so grateful that Sally has accepted the opportunity to be the owner of Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2. It is just too sad for me to let it all go.

From time to time I hope to be a guest designer at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2.

Here are some of Sally's Christmas cards from the past.


 I can't believe what a busy week it has been getting ready for Christmas.  We know how busy it is for everyone but hope that you will have a few minutes to join us this week for our final challenge.  We have our dedicated sponsor, Jodi of  Bugaboo Stamps.  As many of you may know, Jodi has been a sponsor for many years here at Sweet Sketch Wednesday. We really appreciate her and her willingness to share her darling images with us. 

"Everything That You Ever Wanted to Know About Bugaboo

 Stamps: As if raising five children in the frozen land of the

 North was not enough of a challenge, Jodie 

Mackrell decided to dip her cold little Canadian toes into the 

world of paper crafting by opening an online store full of her

 illustrations. That was two years ago. Today Bugaboo 

Stamps is one of the leading companies in digital images,

 and we're still growing! From seriously snarky to sugary 

sweet to sublimely soulful all the way over to the other side

 of the super sexy spectrum, you're bound to find all that


need and more to create your paper projects. Jodie works 

very hard to provide New Releases and Freebies every 


If your taste runs to rubber (and you know who you are), you

 can find Bugaboo Stamps stamps at Totally Stampalicious.

 And finally, join the Bugaboo Stamps DT for weekly 

challenges at Catch the Bug."

Let's get started this week by announcing the winner of last week's challenge....

the Grand Prize winner is:

#5 Nessy!!

Please email Sally Ann, owner of Digi Stamp Boutique:

to receive your £10 Voucher for Digi Stamp Boutique.

Subject:  DSB and SSW Winner for December 2013

Congratulations! Be sure to grab your winner's badge from the sidebar and display it proudly on your blog.

Our Top Three are:

#6 Tracy Gray
#10 Claudia
#11 Kelly Schelske

Congrats ladies!!!

Here is the sketch for this week!  It is a favorite sketch from the past.  We hope you will enjoy using it again as our final challenge at Sweet Sketch Wednesday! 


Be sure to visit next week at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 to join in on the fun with Sally and her Design Team and to see who the winner's of this week's challenge will be.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!



  1. Merry Christmas everyone! Hugs to you Arlana!! Thank you for this fun and wonderful opportunity being on your design team, I've loved every minute of it. Looking forward to 2014 when SSW2 takes flight!


  2. Happy Holidays to you. I have had a fun time using your sketches. It is always sad to say goodbye- so let's not. Let's just say farewell for now. I am sure we will see you around blog land at some point. God bless - hugs.

  3. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day with your family!! Hugs to our DT family.. I will miss having my sisters on the DT this next year but looking forward to a fun year 2014 with SSW2. Thanks Arlana and Judi!! You are the best sisters anyone could ever have!!
    Love ya! Nancy

  4. Merry Christmas everyone! Thank you Arlana for the great opportunity with this wonderful, fun DT. Hugs, to you all! Looking forward to 2014 and SSW-2
    Love, Heide

  5. Thanks for all the fun Arlana. I am hoping to continue with SSW2. May 2014 be a better year for you.

  6. Thank you for all the wonderful sketches you have produced Arlana. I have been a regular participant since I found this challenge and have always enjoyed the sketches. I am proud of many of my cards thanks to the wonderful sketches that you have created. Wishing you compliments of the season. I hope that 2014 brings a good year of health to you and I look forward to seeing you pop us as a GDT on the new challenge. I'll be back in a few days with a card for this last challenge on this blog.

  7. Hi,

    How sad that you can't continue on this blog. But as always I will try to play along. It is again a great sketch to work with and the DT has made beautiful cards with it.

    Merry Christmas to you all and I wish you a Happy new Year full of crafting health and joy. I looking forward to see you as GDT on the new challenge.

    Thanks for my second place.


  8. What a wonderful Post!! Sweet Sketch Wednesday is the Challenge that got my card making skills started... I was so excited to become a member of the Design Team and then to be able to create some sketches - what a Blessing this Blog has been to me... Thank you Arlana for your inspiration!! And thanks to Judi, Nancy and the rest of the DT for their encouragement and inspiration as well. Sad to see this Chapter end, but excited to see Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 get started!!
    Blessings to all!!

  9. Oh, I'm so sad that you have to stop the challenge blog but your health as to come first. I haven't participated in a while because I was so busy, but yours was the first blog that I entered a card and I always find inspiration from all the DT. Thanks for all the comments received from you girls over the years. Hugs, Brigitte

  10. So sad to see SSW end. Arlana gave me my first DT position on SSW. I was beyond thrilled. I took a while off from my blog but recently started entering the SSW Challenges again. Great place to start! Take care of yourself Arlana! I will be entering SSW 2. Great cards ladies!

  11. Sad to see that SSW is to close but delighted to read about SSW2. Thank you Arlana and the rest of the design team for all your inspiration, friendship and lovely comments. I know the work involved just being on a DT so I can't imagine how much more work is involved in running the show. Arlana you did a fantastic job and I hope to see you popping up on the new site too. Best wishes, Jx

  12. Hi,

    As promise I just enter my card.
    Happy New Year to everyone en I hope to see you all next year on SSW2.


  13. Sad to see SSW close it's doors... thanks for the many fab sketches Arlana hope your health becomes less of an issue for you very soon. I look forward to participating in the new challenge next year, compliments of the season to the whole DT... see ya in 2014 :-) Donna

  14. WOW- sad to hear about SSW stopping, but I'm glad that Sally will continue. Sorry that you had such difficulties with all your surgeries. Thanks for all your hard work; I have greatly enjoyed this site. Best wishes to all and happy holidays.

  15. Arlana, so sad to read your news. I'll keep my fingers crossed that 2014 brings you better health. I'm sorry to read that you will no longer be continuing with SSW but was so relieved to read that a new one will be carrying on the great sketches. I don't know what I would have done without your sketches for inspiration. Can I just say as well, that out of all the challenge blogs I enter, your DT ladies are the only ones that actually bother to comment. I have entered some were I didn't get 1 comment. So thanks also to the DT team for their support and lovely comments.

  16. So sad to hear that you are closing SSW. I have been greatly inspired by your sketches. Looking forward to continuing on the new blog. Wishing you the best with your health.

  17. Really enjoyed working with this sketch! Can't wait to link up my card!

  18. So sad to see this challenge blog going. I wrote about you on my blog. My best wishes to you all and I hope Arlana will be OK. A while ago you believed in me and I want to thank you, but I let you down as I really was that ill, and I apologise but I will never forget all of you - love and hugs - Michelle xx

  19. I changed the shape of the image but kept the rest of the sketch as is. Hope that is okay. Not many entries this week - everyone must be recovering from Christmas!!!

  20. Thanks everyone for all the sweet comments. It is sad to leave. But I'll see you over at Sally's blog in the new year! Happy New Year Everyone!

  21. oh Arlana, i have just visited your site and seen the very sad news (with a tear in my eye) ..the sketches and the DT creations over the years have been wednesday mornings will not be the same ..although ofcause i will continue over to SSW 2 ..all the very best to you and your sisters and thankyou again for the amazing sketches every wednesday mornings xx and just seen i am the winner for the last sketch , i will email you xx vanessa (nessy) xx

  22. I'm devastated to hear that this will be your final challenge but pleased to hear of SSW2 - I've used your sketches numerous times and they - as well as the DT cards - have always been a great inspiration to me. I hope your health improves and that you're doing OK. Thanks for bringing us SSW over the years. Huge hugs and best wishes for the new year, Marie xx

  23. Sorry to be so late...
    Thanks for all the sketches and inspiration you have provided. Ariana, may you be blessed with better health and more during the coming year.

  24. Arlana - So sorry to see you go! I wish you luck in your future endeavors. I will check out the new blog. Perhaps our path will sometimes cross out in cyberspace!

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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